Tuesday, April 13, 2010

A week in Hawaii just isn't enough for a photographer

Travelling is never an option for me, it is a necessity for my survival. Well, maybe that sounds a bit extreme, but it's close to the truth. I spent a beautiful week in Hawaii with my family who are of course the true necessity of my survival. It is always a struggle not to want to stop on the side of the road for hours at a time just to photograph a cool looking rock - hello, family vacation! So here are a few of my favs that I took quickly of the side of the road. No, not really!

The active valcanoe on the big Island was my husbands favourite. He was hoping for lava spouting and oozing from the rocks. Me too!

My beautiful son, Everett, names everything he sees, I can't remember what this guys name was.

These two humpbacks were heading back to Alaska for the summer, they will forever be remembered as Kuako and Tweestoo to us.
I love this photo, I have never seen a whale so close before. Instead of zooming in to get the shot I had to zoom way out. Her eye was closed but you still get a real idea of what they look like.

On the east side of the island it rains over 300 days of the year and this was one of the storms quickly blowing past.

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